Viewing CSV Files Without Excel

An installation issue with Office 2010 on the computer I built last weekend (I've hit my activation limit for the product key) got me to evaluate whether an Office 365 purchase would be worthwhile. Thinking back, I realized that over the past 9 months the only time I'd opened up any office program was to view CSV files in Excel. That's not enough to justify $99 a year right now, so I'm going to hold off on a new Office purchase for a bit (2010 is still on my laptop if I really, really need it).

That bit of backstory is just in the service of pointing out that if all you need is a nice grid for viewing, sorting, and filtering CSV files, you can use Out-GridView in PowerShell. Just use Import-Csv to read the CSV file and pipe it into Out-GridView:

Import-Csv .\Batting.csv | Out-GridView

Example Out-GridView Output

Dumping SQL Server Tables to CSV Files (Part 2)

There's more than one way to do it isn't just a Perl thing; just about every automation task you can imagine can be done in more ways than you can imagine. I just posted a script the other day to dump tables from a SQL Server database into CSV files using PowerShell and the venerable sqlcmd Utility. One of the challenges is getting the various parameters for sqlcmd passed in properly from PowerShell, and I did it using an array of arguments and some awkward string escaping.

Today I learned that PowerShell already has the Invoke-Sqlcmd cmdlet, which is designed to (mostly) replace sqlcmd. By using Invoke-Sqlcmd, we can bypass all the argument array ugliness and write a simpler script:

$tableQuery = @"
FROM sysobjects sobjects 
WHERE sobjects.xtype = 'U' 

$loc = Get-Location

$server = ".\SQLEXPRESS"
$db = "[dbname]"

$tables = Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $server -Database $db -Query $tableQuery

$tables | select -ExpandProperty name | select @{Name="filename";Expression={Join-Path -Path $loc -ChildPath "$_.csv"}}, @{Name="query";Expression={"SET NOCOUNT ON`nSelect * From $_"}} | % {
    Invoke-Sqlcmd -ServerInstance $server -Database $db -Query $_.query | Export-Csv $_.filename -NoTypeInformation

Set-Location $loc

This is much more readable. The only part that might not be immediately obvious is the use of the $loc variable for storing the current location when we start the script.

The reason for this is that Invoke-Sqlcmd takes advantage of PowerShell's ability to treat everything kind of like a file system. PowerShell can change context to work within things like the registry as easily as it can change to different drive volumes (e.g., open PowerShell and try cd HCKU:, then try dir, then be very, very careful). In the same way, it can also work within SQL Server. Using Invoke-Sqlcmd will change the context to be the SQL Server instance, which is super convenient if you're doing a lot of SQL Server stuff.

But here we want to dump all the tables to files in the folder where we ran the script. So we need to keep track of that location (using Get-Location) and make sure that we have an absolute path for the output location of Export-Csv (using Join-Path). And, at the end, we want to make sure to return to our original location instead of hanging around in SQL Server space.

Even with that little bit of overhead, Invoke-Sqlcmd is a much cleaner and easier way of performing this kind of task.

Dumping SQL Server Tables to CSV Files

A while back I had a client who requested a data dump of a SQL Server database to a set of CSV files (one for each table). I whipped up a PowerShell script to do it using sqlcmd.exe, and I thought I'd post it here in case someone else found it useful (or I wanted to remember how to do it someday).

(I later found out that they wanted the CSV files for manual one-at-a-time import into MySQL; the whole process could have been accomplished with about ten minutes of work in MySQL Workbench. If you've already got a programmer available, always explain what your end goal is (even if you, yourself, are a programmer); they might know of a better way.)

Here's the script:

$tableQuery = @"
FROM sysobjects sobjects 
WHERE sobjects.xtype = 'U' 

$sqlcmd = "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\110\Tools\Binn\sqlcmd.exe"
$server = ".\SQLEXPRESS"
$db = "[dbname]"

$arguments = @("-S", $server, "-d", $db, "-E", "-h", "-1", "-W", "-Q", "`"${tableQuery}`"")

$tables = & $sqlcmd $arguments

$tables | select @{Name="filename";Expression={"$_.csv"}}, @{Name="query";Expression={"SET NOCOUNT ON`nSelect * From $_"}} | % {

    $arguments = @("-S", $server, "-d", $db, "-E", "-s", "`",`"", "-W", "-Q", "`"$($_.query)`"")

    (& $sqlcmd $arguments) > $_.filename

First we set up the query to list all the tables in the database. Filtering by xtype of 'U' gives us the just the user tables in the database. If we wanted, we could also do further filtering on; for example, if we didn't want to include the ASP.NET Identity tables, we could add something like And not like '%asp%'.

The next few lines are just the location of sqlcmd.exe, and the database server and name to pass to all the commands. I'm running all this stuff as a trusted user (the -E in the sqlcmd options), so I don't have to worry about setting up the username and password.

Now comes the the hard part; passing arguments from PowerShell to older DOS command-line utilities can be... challenging to get right. Here, I'm building an array of all the arguments; when I pass it as an argument to & $sglcmd, PowerShell automatically expands it and passes the arguments correctly. It's possible there's a simpler way to do it, but this works well enough. The arguments of interest:

  • -h -1 tells sqlcmd not to print the headers at all. I just need the list of table names; I don't need headers.
  • -W removes trailing whitespace
  • -Q will run the query and then exit sqlcmd. As opposed to -q, which runs the query and keeps sqlcmd open.

We retrieve the list of tables and pipe it into a Select-Object command which uses the table name to generate a .csv file name and a Select * From query. Those properties are piped into a For-Each which executes each SELECT statement and dumps the results into the CSV file. This time around, we change a couple of the sqlcmd options:

  • -s "," tells sqlcmd to use a comma as the column separator
  • We drop the -h -1 because we want headers on the tables; the sqlcmd default is to print them once for each query, which is what we want in this case

Happy data wrangling!